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SuperNova EXplosions

Theory and observations

Aug 28th - Sep. 1st 2023

Registration deadline: June 16th

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Supernova explosions are an essential part of the birth, life, and death of stars and compact objects. They play a key role in the evolution of galaxies and their chemistry and serve as tools for cosmological studies. Nevertheless, the detailed origins of both thermonuclear and core-collapse supernovae are still little understood and widely debated. The SNEX conference will deal with all aspects of supernovae including both theoretical and observational sides, from the progenitors, their populations, and environments, through the detailed models and outcomes of the supernovae' explosions and their interactions with the circumstellar environments, to their observational properties and their implications on the production of elemental abundances and isotopes in the universe. With a new era of large-scale, fast, and deep transient surveys our knowledge of both known and potential novel types of supernovae is expected to rapidly expand. The SNEX conference is aimed to share and exchanging new data, ideas, and models and provides a starting point for new collaborations.



Robert Fisher

Rüdiger Pakmor

Hagai Perets (chair)

​Abigail Polin

Armin Rest

Ashley Ruiter

​Ashley Villar

​Yossef Zenati (chair)

Confirmed invited speakers

Iair Arcavi

Narayan Gautham

Dani Maoz

Marco Palla

​Abigail Polin

Daniel Siegel

​Tea Temim


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